词语吧>英语词典>queue up翻译和用法

queue up

英 [kjuː ʌp]

美 [kjuː ʌp]

排队(等候); (为得到某机会而)排队,排队等候


  • PHRASAL VERB (为得到某机会而)排队,排队等候
    If you say that peopleare queuing up todo or have something, you mean that a lot of them want the opportunity to do it or have it.
    1. People are queueing up to work for me!...
    2. There are a growing number of countries queueing up for membership.
  • in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 line up

  • See also:queue



  • form a queue, form a line, stand in line
    1. Customers lined up in front of the store
    Synonym:line upqueue


  • Every day I have to queue up at the bus stop to go to work.
  • If MOMs are used to connect them together, you can take any system down at any point, and messages will keep flowing around that system but queue up until it comes back.
  • But to prove you didn't do it out of sheer terror or peer pressure, it pays to queue up straight away and do it all over again.
  • Thousands of people still queue up to look at these portraits of the famous and the infamous.
  • Some students may not queue up before they go downstairs.
  • We have had quite a few complaints from residents who queue up in an orderly fashion then all those foreign students push past them.
  • There is a period of time on the ticket, in this period of time to play this item, you do not have to queue up, to go the FASTPASS line.
  • The violence erupted just as visitors began to queue up to ascend the famous New York skyscraper.
  • All threads that go to sleep from calling pthread_mutex_lock() on an already-locked mutex will "queue up" for access to that mutex.
  • As business schools queue up to participate in the FT rankings ( there are 12 new schools this year) newer programmes that are not yet eligible for participation have been launched in countries that, like the US, already have a strong MBA tradition.